Getting Closer to Release Day
Preview the new Grave Domain album in full before our 04 Aug release.
Wanted to share some new music.
On 04 August, the eponymous Grave Domain album will be released for digital download, streaming, and limited edition cassette. You’ll be able to find it on Bandcamp and all of the usual evil streaming places.
You can listen to the whole thing in preview right now. Just click below or visit the page on Bandcamp.
I mentioned the story behind the writing of the lead-off track in an earlier post, and talked about our namesake song as well. I wanted to take a moment to mention the one song on the album that doesn’t have lyrics or singing at all: ‘Protector of the Graves’.
The synth that starts up the song is a sort of nod to John Carpenter. When it comes to synth, I’ve always felt indebted to the horror movies I watched as a kid growing up on VHS in the 80’s. Song sequences are always important to me, so in terms of the placement on the album, I see ‘Protector’ as analogous to the River Acheron name-checked in the song proceeding it on the album. The guitar solo, to me, represents the crossing over the deep watery abyss. That the following song is essentially a consideration of reincarnation and Spiritualism seems to suggest that the path to the Land of the Dead leads back to the Land of the Living.
I think that’s a nice notion.
I wanted to give a quick thanks to all of the people who have picked up the album already on the Bandcamp pre-order. Your downloads will become available on 04 August. If you haven’t checked out the album yet, I encourage you to do so. I’m proud of what was accomplished and think it’s a good starting point for the Grave Domain project moving forward.